
6 Signs of Sun Damage to Skin and Makeup Products for Rescue

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The environment around is already packed with the scorching heat of the sun. Let’s not forget the ultimate impact of the sun to the skin. Identifying the signs of sun damage to skin is no longer a luxury, rather it is a necessity. Each of us has dealt with the minor instances of sun burning, reddening, and other signs of inflammation. Irrespective of the dry, normal, or oily skin type, researching and curing the signs of sun damage is of paramount importance. Moreover, the regular summer skincare benefits may or may be ample for this concern. Delve in the secrets of the ultimate impacts and cures of the sun in this blog.

Common Signs of Sun Damage to Skin and the Best Makeup Guide

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The signs of sun damage to skin might not be obvious, especially in the case of oily skin where oil takes the lead. However, it is, however, important to keep a track of the signs that might be starting off as an impact of sun damage. Here are a few signs that you need to identify and resolve. These signs are a clear indication of a major issue, if left untreated. Therefore, you can check out the signs of damage owing to the excess exposure to sun, irrespective of the skin type.

Crow’s Feet

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Starting with crow’s feet, this is the first names in the signs of sun damage to skin. In simple words, this sign is obvious through the occurrence of perpendicular lines across the eyes. Typically, it is used left and right with wrinkles. The clearest indications of this sign occur on the outside corners of the eyes. Although they are a common sight in the mid to late thirties, excessive exposure to the sun may lead to these minor wrinkle-like signs. It is also identifiable as the formation of a crease on the outer corner of the eye, particularly due to the reduction in the levels of collagen.


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How would you confirm a considerable share of time your skin was constantly under the influence of the sun? Have you ever seen red, brown or tanned marks on your skin? Probably, you went out hiking, sunbathing or swimming and came back to sunspots- the reddish signs of sun damage to skin. Here is the take to this sign. These signs are not restricted to the face. You can, rather, see them appearing on the other body parts such as hands, limbs, and others. Sunspots may see an expansion in the form of a whitish pigment, causing the skin to peel off, revealing unhealthy layering due to the sun exposure.  


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Low-melanin content of the skin, collagen reduction, and severe exposure may accelerate the formation of wrinkles, sagging, and ultimately cause congestion of the skin. It, in turn, impacts the elasticity of the skin, causing under-eye bags, and a long-term instance of sun damage. In simple words, it reduces the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Sun exposure might also cause the reduction of skin cells, causing an increase in the share of dead cells.

Moles and Freckles

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Moles, typically associated with the small black occurrences on the various parts of body, can also be an impact of the sun damage. Freckles, on the other hand, too are an extension of these signs of sun damage to skin. Moles seem darker than the surrounding skin. Freckles occur during the summer months and are tanned, slightly reddish, or brown signs. Melanocytes are a root cause of those brownish signs on the skin.

Eczema and Dryness

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Eczema and dryness of the skin may be one of the most commonly visible signs of sun damage to skin. This may result from the loss of hydration, owing to the harmful rays of the sun. The loss of melanin which brings a significant rise in tanning, also causes dryness. What’s more interesting is dominance of the drying impact on all the skin types. Not even an oily skin can escape the heating action of the sun rays. Therefore, excessive instances of dryness may raise an alarm for the resolution.


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Hyperpigmentation, discoloration, or un-evening of the skin- they may be a chronic impact of the sun damage to the skin. Constant and prolonged exposure to the sun may cause specific sensitive parts of your face to undergo discoloration. That’s why the skin experts recommend, in fact, insist on the consistent application of sunscreen with an SPF 30 or higher, depending on your skin type and requirements/ recommendations. This is one of the most common signs of sun damage to skin, developed over a prolonged time period and constant sun exposure.

Makeup Products for Countering the Signs of Sun Damage to Skin

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Makeup- the term comprising a plethora of cosmetics to adorn the areas of body, specifically the face can also beautify a sun-damaged skin. The route to a perfect makeup for a person with prominent signs of sun damage to skin begins with the below-mentioned products. Check out the best products with their contribution for the makeup.

SPF-Infused Makeup

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Have you heard of the makeup infused with SPF? Well, this is something you should know, specially if you are a common target of the signs of sun damage to skin. Your skin might have undergone a number of signs of sun damage, which can wear an envelope of a good makeup kit infused with SPF 30 or higher, suited for your skin.

Retinol Rich Creams

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Retinol or vitamin A, the core vitamin responsible for the proper functioning of the eyes, has been topping the list of skincare ingredients, particularly levelling up the pm skincare routine. You can use this ingredient to reduce the signs of aging and wrinkles, which is a common impact of prolonged exposure to the sun. You can make use of the Retinol rich creams for countering the aging impact.

Vitamin C Rich Formulas

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Talking of anti-aging? That said, forgetting vitamin C (antioxidants) is definitely an error. This vitamin is effective against the aging impacts due to its barrier-forming action against the environmental free radicals. A skin constantly exposed to the sun displays many signs of sun damage to skin, out of which aging is the most common one. Using makeup with ample vitamin C helps skin remain young with collagen boost.  

Hydrating Moisturizer

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Tinted Sunscreen Foundation

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Moisturizer is an effective and mandatory ingredient of makeup plus skincare. When it comes to a sun-damaged skin makeup, it is important to use a sunscreen infused with good moisturizing properties. In simple words, you can counter the signs of sun damage to skin by using a good-quality moisturizer. Not only does it hydrate the skin, but also upgrades your entire makeup with radiance.

UV Blocking Concealer   

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A UV blocking concealer is something to definitely include in your makeup kit. It helps conceal the signs of sun damage to skin effectively, while imparting the shielding impacts of sun damage in the daily makeup routine. However, you need to choose the right one for your skin, depending on your skin type and intensity of the sun damage.


The degrees of the summer months are bound to impact the skin in the short-term as well as long-term. From minor signs of sun damage to skin like redness to excessive discoloration, all you need is to restrict the exposure. Besides, you need to include the makeup specialized for a skin effected by the constant action of harmful UV rays. This blog has mentioned the makeup products you need for your sun-damaged skin.

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