
11 Guaranteed and Best Tips for Hydrating Oily Skin This Summer

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The dazzling, bright, and warm summer season is the conveyer of excessive sensitivity and dehydration for each skin type. An oily skin, however, is more prone to acne breakouts, clogged pores, fluctuating hydration balance, and excessive sebum, comparing the impact on other types. It is, therefore, mandatory to understand the tips for hydrating oily skin. Gentle cleansers, mild exfoliants, and the best moisturizer for oily skincare the components of a meticulous regimen. This write-up puts together a bunch of practices to achieve a well- groomed oily skin in the summer season.

A Comprehensive Guide and Tips for Hydrating Oily Skin

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Maintaining the hydration balance of oily skin, besides the never-ending issues like acne breakouts and clogged pores is quite tricky. This calls for a meticulously crafted regimen triggering the simultaneous resolution of the problems. Everything from choosing the best moisturizer for oily skin to cleanser requires professional touch. Here is a major component of the specialized skincare for oily skin– experts’ recommended tips for hydrating oily skin.


A clear skin is a pre-requisite for applying makeup or a skincare routine. Cleansing is the initial mandatory component of a skincare routine irrespective of the weather. Every skin type, however, requires different types of cleansers. Oily skin requires a gentle cleanser with non-comedogenic components. It, however, becomes more important as one of the key tips for hydrating oily skin.

Active ingredients like glycolic/ salicylic acids are excellent clarifying agents with efficient penetration, preventing the stripping away of necessary moisture content.


Exfoliation is the game changer in cleansing. While cleansing removes dead cells, exfoliation deep cleans the skin, preparing it for any further product. Lactic acid is one of the most popular exfoliants as well the best moisturizer for oily skin. Try gentle exfoliation masks once or twice a week as per the skin type for washing away hidden impurities. It is also one of the core tips for hydrating oily skin.

Hydration Masks

Dehydration is one of the most obviously identified outcomes of summer. It leaves the skin sweating, triggering the production of sebum, leading to acne and similar issues. Hydrating facial masks enriched with natural ingredients like aloe vera, cucumber, and hyaluronic acid are an easy way to replenish the lost moisture for oily skin. Apart from serving as a hydrating facial mask, each of these encloses the tips for hydrating oily skin.


We have talked a lot about hydration and moisturization. One thing, however, to remember about it is the pH balance. Every skin has its own pH balance, necessitating the need for a toner that suits its requirements. While toners may not be mandatory for each skin, acne prone oily skin needs toners enriched with BHAs (Beta Hydroxy Acids), Niacinamide, and other active ingredients. Rose water can also be incorporated in the toning routine as a natural remedy.

Lightweight Moisturizers

Using a moisturizer on an oily skin seems contradictory unless sebum production is brought to limelight. The selection of moisturizer for oily skin relies on lightweight formulas with easy absorption and permeability in the skin, preventing the visibility of shiny T-zones with flakey makeup.

The best moisturizers for oily skin are gel- based formulations infused with active ingredients like hyaluronic acid, Niacinamide, ceramide, green tea, aloe vera, and other botanical extracts. They are a key area of experts’ discussion and lie under the tips for hydrating oily skin.


Sunscreen is by and far, one of the most discussed components of an active skincare routine, irrespective of the weather. It, however, gains paramount significance in the scorching sun with powered UV rays ready to attack. There is a sunscreen for every skin type. However, SPF 30 or higher should be the ideal choice of a skin tone in a country like India. Choose a product that offers sun protection, besides being the best moisturizer for oily skin. Moreover, it forms a mandatory component of the tips for hydrating oily skin.

Lightweight night creams

A skincare routine is incomplete without a well-crafted night-time routine. Lightweight and ready to absorb formulations enriched with actives like vitamin C and vit A (Retinol) are ideal for most of the skin types. Although gel-based night creams work for all the skin types, choosing the best for your skin is recommended. A good night gel formula carries several benefits, including serving as the best moisturizer for oily skin. Idealizing it as one of the best tips for hydrating oily skin is worth for a well-groomed skin.

Blotting sheets

Lastly, the final on our list of tips for hydrating oily skin is the use of blotting sheets. Balancing the excess oil production can come handy with the use of blotting sheets. These sheets comprise oil-absorbing ingredients like rice, flax, and cotton. They are one of the best companions for travel, preventing the occurrence of flakey makeup in the afternoon in the T-zones. It helps balance excess sebum production, thereby acting as one of the most trustworthy tips for hydrating oily skin.

Say no to makeup with an emollient base!

Experimenting with heavy makeup can cause incur heavy costs on your skin. Although makeup is crucial, try the one with a lighter base. Reasoning to heightened sun activity, your skin may trigger sebum production, causing acne breakouts and clogged pores. Moreover, non-comedogenic products can help keep the pores intact.

Diet and Lifestyle

Apart from the skincare routine, product selection with the best moisturizer for oily skin enriched with active ingredients, diet and lifestyle is also a key factor in determining your skin concerns. It is a vital component of wellness, exaggerating the results of skincare. It is one of the most crucial factors for the skincare regime for every skin type.

Staying hydrated is important for a healthy mind, fueling the glow on the outside. Choose the foods considered the best for summer and drink at least 7-8 glasses of water per day. This is one of the best tips for hydrating oily skin, easily being incorporated in daily life. Diet and hydration are the pillars of wellness, catalyzing the skincare routine from inside as one of the most mandatory tips for hydrating oily skin.

Micellar Water

Micellar water is a great makeup remover, besides being an excellent option for a sensitive or oily skin to stay hydrated with a deep removal of impurities and dirt. It caters to the scrubbing requirements, eliminating the friction due to other products and acting as a gentle cleanser for irritated skin.

Oily skin as a blessing in disguise

A woman working on the tips for hydrating oily skin under oily skincare regime.

Oily skin, identified with a greasy appearance, carries many benefits. Here are a few points to show how it can be a blessing in disguise.

  • The oil produced on the skin keeps it moisturized to a small extent, reducing the investment in moisturizing products, with only one as the best moisturizer for oily skin.
  • The process of aging slows down, nullifying the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Despite being a ground for acne, it may act as a natural barrier against environmental factors to a small extent.

Although it is prone to acne breakout, oily skin also has certain advantages. It is important to strike a balance between the pros and cons. Moreover, it is necessary to counter the excess sebum synthesis and keep in mind the right tips for hydrating oily skin. Despite a popular myth, it is necessary to pick the best moisturizer for oily skin.


The route to a meticulous skincare aimed at oily skincare in summer is extremely important. Caressing your skin, understanding it, and crafting regimens accordingly may need professional understanding and diligent details. This write-up has elaborated the pros, cons, tips for hydrating oily skin, and solutions for a regimen aimed at oily skincare in summer.

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